4 продукта в разделе «Уход за кожей Brown Lab»

  • Маска celloskin hyaluron - Brown Lab

    Маска celloskin hyaluron - Brown Lab

    Nourish dry and dehydrated skin with the ultra-hydrating Brown Lab Celloskin Mask Hyaluron. This soothing sheet mask strengthens skins moisture barrier to protect sensitive skin and keep it smooth supple and soft.. Hyaluronic acid helps hydrate and soothe sensitive skin. Prevents evaporation of skins moisture barrier. Гипоаллергенные. 10 masks. Apply to c...
    1 871 руб.
  • Маска celloskin aloe vera - Brown Lab

    Маска celloskin aloe vera - Brown Lab

    Calm red and irritated skin with Brown Labs Celloskin Mask Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera Leaf Water soothes and hydrates damaged skin allowing skin to feel cool and relaxed.. Infused with the hydrating and calming benefits of Aloe Vera extract. Soothes and hydrates irritated skin. Гипоаллергенные. 10 masks. Apply to clean dry skin. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and g...
    1 871 руб.
  • Патч от акне - Brown Lab

    Патч от акне - Brown Lab

    Mend tricky blemishes with Brown Labs Spot Patch. These adhesive patches protect your skin while providing an ideal environment for healing. Apply a patch on top of a blemish to speed healing and prevent infection.. Helps speed acne healing while protecting blemishes against infection and irritation. Prevents dryness and flaking while retaining moisture. ...
    534 руб.
  • Маска celloskin madecassoside - Brown Lab

    Маска celloskin madecassoside - Brown Lab

    De-stress overworked skin with Brown Labs Celloskin Mask Madecassoside. This hydrating mask soothes irritated skin and reduces swelling redness and dark spots for a healthy fortified face.. Madecassoside: an herbal remedy that helps reinforce the skin barrier and contribute to healthy skin regeneration. Soothes and protects sensitive dehydrated and damage...
    1 871 руб.
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