5 продуктов в разделе «Косметика Vertly»

  • Масло для губ rose - VERTLY

    Масло для губ rose - VERTLY

    Moisturize soothe and protect your lips while adding a sheer rosy tint with VERTLYs Rose Lip Butter Stick. Infused with 50 mg of their signature full-spectrum CBD Oil it also contains incredibly hydrating natural ingredients including Shea Butter Cacao Butter Kokum Butter and Plant Oils.. Не испытывалось на животных. Free of Parabens Petrochemicals PEGs S...
    1 773 руб.
  • Масло для губ peppermint - VERTLY

    Масло для губ peppermint - VERTLY

    Moisturize soothe and protect your lips with VERTLYs Peppermint Lip Butter Stick. Infused with 50 mg of their signature full-spectrum CBD Oil it also contains incredibly hydrating natural ingredients including Shea Butter Cacao Butter Kokum Butter and Plant Oils.. Не испытывалось на животных. Free of Parabens Petrochemicals PEGs Synthetic Colors Perfume o...
    1 773 руб.
  • Лосьон для тела relief lotion - VERTLY

    Лосьон для тела relief lotion - VERTLY

    Use VERTLYs Relief Lotion whenever youre in need of a little self-care self-love and relief from the aches of exercise travel or everyday life. It offers the benefits of their signature 150 mg full-spectrum CBD rich organic plant oils slow-infused botanical herbs nourishing Shea Butter and magnesium all combined within the calming scent of citrus and lave...
    3 547 руб.
  • Сыворотка для лица essential nutrients - VERTLY

    Сыворотка для лица essential nutrients - VERTLY

    100% растительнаяKey Ingredients: VERTLY Essential Nutrients Face Serum hydrates and nourishes with 100% plant-based rich oils packed with 24 nutrient-dense botanicals and 300 mg of their signature full-spectrum CBD. Suitable for all skin types its formulated with Green Bean Coffee Avocado Apricot Kernel and Sea Buckthorn Oils to provide a super boost of ...
    8 130 руб.
  • Соль для ванн bath salts - VERTLY

    Соль для ванн bath salts - VERTLY

    Best paired with a tired stressed out body or one in need of a little self-love VERTLYs Bath Salts is the dose of wellness you deserve. It soothes sore tired muscles and promotes relaxation with a unique combination of natural soothing salts minerals botanical infusions and 50 mg of their signature full-spectrum CBD formulated to calm the mind and body.. ...
    2 143 руб.
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