3 продукта в разделе «Женская косметика Yurica»

  • Средство для снятия макияжа с губ и глаз shield - YURICA

    Средство для снятия макияжа с губ и глаз shield - YURICA

    YURICAs Shield Wash Lip and Eye Remover gently and effectively cleanses the skin to remove even the toughest waterproof makeup. Sunflower Seed Oil and Peppermint Leaf Extract help retain skins moisture and give a soothing and calming effect for a soft smooth appearance.. Contains Sunflower Seed Oil Peppermint Leaf Extract Lemon Balm Leaf Extract and Cowsl...
    739 руб.
  • Тональная основа cover maker - YURICA

    Тональная основа cover maker - YURICA

    Create your perfect concept of coverage with YURICA Cover Maker. Ultra-concentrated yet super lightweight just one drop of Cover Maker in your base product gives you flawless coverage that disguises blemishes dark circles uneven skin tone and redness.. Different sizes of fine powder particles form a Fixing Networking Technology that adheres to the skin fo...
    1 804 руб.
  • Праймер eye booster - YURICA

    Праймер eye booster - YURICA

    Make your eyeshadow last longer with this multi-tasking eye primer from the Korean beauty experts at YURICA. Apply Eye Booster around the eye area before makeup to boost color payoff increase wear time and prevent creasing.. Doe foot applicator for precise application. Sheer coverage with a matte finish. Подходит для любой кожи. 3.8 ml.
    1 202 руб.
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На Snik.co вы можете купить женскую Косметику Yurica и сравнить цены. В нашем каталоге более 3 товара из лучших интернет-магазинов с доставкой по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу, Екатеринбургу, Краснодару, Новосибирску, Нижнему Новгороду, Казани, Челябинску, Самаре, Воронежу, Ростову-на-Дону и другим городам России.