2 продукта в разделе «Хозтовары Koh Gen Do»

  • Салфетки для лица cleansing water - Koh Gen Do

    Салфетки для лица cleansing water - Koh Gen Do

    Conveniently packaged for a fresh face on the go Koh Gen Dos Cleansing Water Cloths effectively cleanse and purify pores in an instant swipe. The signature blend of soothing thermal mineral water and conditioning botanical extracts gently remove even stubborn waterproof makeup with ease while traces of rosemary sage and lavender balance and nurture skin.....
    3 207 руб.
  • Салфетки для лица spa cleansing water cloths - Koh Gen Do

    Салфетки для лица spa cleansing water cloths - Koh Gen Do

    Conveniently packaged for a fresh face on the go Koh Gen Dos Cleansing Water Cloths effectively cleanse and purify pores in an instant swipe. The signature blend of soothing thermal mineral water and conditioning botanical extracts gently remove even stubborn waterproof makeup with ease while traces of rosemary sage and lavender balance and nurture skin.....
    5 332 руб.
Вы посмотрели 2 из 2 товаров в каталоге хозтовары koh gen do
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На Snik.co вы можете купить Хозтовар Koh Gen Do и сравнить цены. В нашем каталоге более 2 товара из лучших интернет-магазинов с доставкой по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу, Екатеринбургу, Краснодару, Новосибирску, Нижнему Новгороду, Казани, Челябинску, Самаре, Воронежу, Ростову-на-Дону и другим городам России.